Misogyny in Music
House of Commons Call for Evidence
The Women and Equalities Committee is investigating misogyny in music.
Thank you for for completing our survey! This was an important chance to bring the issues we face everyday in the industry to the attention of policy makers.
Cactus City Studio CIC has collected your answers to our survey and used the data to make a submission. Click the button below to read the full submission published on the UK Parliament website.
The House of Commons Women and Equalities Select Committee has outlined various topics they aim to undertake, which include:
What correlation exists, if any, between misogynistic lyrics and violence against women and girls?
What types of support exists for women experiencing sexism or misogyny in the music industry? How can they report problems or abuse?
How safe do women and girls feel at live music concerts and festivals?
What expectations are there on women working in the music industry compared to men?
What steps should the Government and other industry bodies take to tackle misogynistic and sexist attitudes towards women in music?
Resources and Support
The MU musafespace.org.uk
Victim Support - 08 08 16 89 111
MIND - 0300 123 3393
Music Minds Matter - 0808 802 8008
Help Musicians Bullying and Harassment Line - 0800 088 2045
Rape Crisis - 08088029999
Samaritans - 116 123 Email jo@samaritan.org
Refuge - 0808 2000 247
NAPAC (National Association of People Abused in Childhood) - 0808 801 0331